I haven't written for some time, as I have been quite physically miserable for the last 3 weeks or so. I am now starting to feel better. But that is another blog for another time.
It's fall. I can not deny it. Not that I want to, I love fall. I know it's a time of death and preparation for destitution, but it's so lovely. How brilliant it can look! To me it's more like a rebirth, a phoenix blazing with flames that will rise again.
I got up to walk the dog this morning and there was frost on the ground; sharp and rigid, yet soft, like manna that just appeared overnight. The sun was rising at the time, and created this fog over the frost. It was lovely. Of course the dog had no care, but to pee on it. Bygones.
The sad thing about frost is that it goes away so quickly. It creates a half hour of beauty, and then is melted away, dripping down into the roots in the grasses. If you get up too late, you will miss the sight of sun hitting frost, making fog. I don't know. It's just so magical; it makes you realize why people made up fairy stories and other magical tales.
I just had to share, because I love fall, and the first frost is kind of a big deal. I brought in a few of my plants yesterday, and have a couple more to bring in today. This brings up another item of progress; my tolerance of spiders. I hate spiders. Like many of you, they freak me out and the thought of them crawling on me is unbearable. I try not to kill them, but let them be. Last year when I brought in the plants for the winter (a sad happening; they always dwindle. It's like I'm sentencing them to prison, being inside), I got an influx of insects. They drove me absolutely batty, little gnat-type flies buzzing around my face. We started not killing the spiders, and lo and behold, our insect problem went away. I'm sure there is some genius way to bring in plants for the winter, like changing out the dirt, but you live and learn. So we have 2 spiders in the living room and one in the basement. Captain Awesome discovered the one in the basement that is a large, hairy, jumping spider. He came crawling out one day and C.Awesome pointed at him, making him curl up in that spider ball, and said, "you can stay, but you earn your keep." And I'll be darned if that spider didn't nod, and scurry back under the dryer. As an added bonus, the spiders are not eating the crickets, so we still have summer sounds in the basement. Nice.
So there you are; my randomness this morning. My stream of conciousness regarding fall, spiders, and life. And here are some photos from this morning's jaunt.
Today's song of the day is:
I just like the cadence, and it's about time for a change :) This song needs to be so much longer.
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