It has been cold in the land of the frigid north. Not the normal, Midwest cold, but the kind of cold that makes your fingers hurt inside gloves and freezes your boogers in 12 seconds while you bury your face as deep in your coat as humanly possible. Like medallion hunting cold; the kind where you go out in it anyway, because there's $10,000 in the snow somewhere in St. Paul, and you hope no one else has the fortitude to be out in it. It has not been above 0 for 6 days, and the wind chills feel like really bad acupuncture; a slight numbing effect, but mostly needle pricks (turns out this windchill is about 16 below. Surprised you didn't know that). This is the kind of weather that makes me realize Prarie life is very low on the enjoyment totem pole, and I miss the effect of the Great Lakes. No wind, just lots and lots of snow to play with. But with the stinkin' prarie, all you get is wind that blows the snow you do get somewhere else. It's a lose lose situation. But I digress.

It quickly became apparent that I was going to build up some ripped upper arms trying to steer her, and my phone rang 3 times while I was unable to take both hands off the wheel. It was C.A. telling me that if she hasn't died yet, she will, it's a belt of some kind that no one could see coming, and doesn't light up any scary lights. So I turned her back into the store lot and let him call the tow truck. I also learned a valuable lesson that I should have learned when I was 4; not keeping gloves and winter items in a car and depending on it for heat is stupid. Thanks, Wednesday.
At this point the only thing warm was my butt (thank you, Sofie), because the heat also stopped for some reason, so I kept shoving my hands under my thighs to keep them warm on the heated leather seats. I hid the keys in the vehicle and made the quarter mile trek back into the store to call a cab. While I was on hold for 7 minutes (no one ever picked up, actually) and waiting for the feeling to come back into my fingers and toes, a coworker with a generous heart said she'd take me home. How relieved was I? As I hung up, I made a comment about Wednesdays, and the Harry Potter looking kid next to me said, "I like Wednesdays," with a ridiculous grin on his smug little face (I take it back). This is where I learned that people expect me to always be sweetness and nice because all I said was, "Shut up," and they were all, "whoa, I've never seen you like this," and "let's not let that happen again," and "I hope you have a better day." Seriously? :P
So the coworker who drove me home was having some issues with her car, and at this point I felt like a cooler (in the negative cold, so a supercooler) and that her car was next to fail, but thankfully we made it home, where all I could think about was a hot shower before my next activity. As I stood in the lobby waiting for the elevator, the wonderful Betty in the office called out, "No water! Pipes are broke!" So there's that. I ended up drinking a bit of straight rum to warm up, but it didn't really do the trick. Maybe I should have had more, but last night was a very important lab the week before finals, and since there's less than a week left of the semester and it's THURSDAY, I don't care who knows it. I was able to borrow C.A's truck (now that I know how to drive a 4WD vehicle), and she did well for me. How exhausting.
So, as all vile days must, Wednesday ended. Thursday brings a new day of joy and bright sidedness, and hopefully news on Sofie's belt (preferably that it costs very little). The water is back on and it's hot, my coworker has arrived safely to her destination, exam prep has started, and I have to figure out what to cook for the 2nd annual cookie party. I did not cry, which shows my Wednesday resilience. Before you say anything, I will talk to the dealership also, but it sounds like you can't really see this coming, and the belt may have just slipped. I may have been a little too excited to park on a snow bank also. Who knows, it's a new day, maybe things will go my way. I'm doing a lot of rhyming today (anybody want a peanut?).
Today's song of the day is a Christmas song. 'Tis the season, no? I am rejoicing in the day, because it is not Wednesday. :) Plus it's got a fun beat, you can move to it. Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone (and God bless us, everyone :P)
PS: If you are wondering how everything turned out with the Jeep, the belts were all fine. The power steering fluid was almost empty, and the coolant was a GALLON low, so I have no faith in Walser Jeep's ability to perform an inspection that they listed on CarFax. There were NO leaks. Not one (well, there was a loose clamp on the coolant hose....should have caught that, Walser). So at the end of the day, as Tony put it, "I won't charge you an arm and a leg today....just a tow." Oh Tony! Other than that they love her. They drove her all day trying to get her to act up and she didn't. So now my "Ghost car" will have her fluids checked more often. And to all a good night.
Born Is The King (It's Christmas) - Hillsong
I LOVE your writings.