As you may know, I have a very dear friend who lives far away (like most of the close people in my life...don't cry for me...Argentina? Are there countries with 4 syllables to which I have actually been? Stop wasting time, back to the post). Anywho, I've written about her before, but the gist of what you need to know right now is that we are old lady souls. We prefer hand written letters when corresponding, the only email I got from her in the last 6 months was a virus (this is to show you she didn't actually email me), and I'll never see her on Facebook. I'd be surprised if she sees this blog, but miracles do happen. If we have urgent news, we text, but neither of us will allow abbreviations or text speak to darken our phones (which still flips open Zoolander style for ONE of us :P). Otherwise when there is something to tell her, I rush home, new pen in hand (I love college bookstores for pens!), and sit down to write my tale. I'm pretty sure it looks like a snail in a hurry; nose out, hands pumping fast, moving about .2 miles an hour with twitching that why they call it snail mail? Huh. A gummi word makes sense, for once. We did try to Skype once, but we were both too awkward. We didn't speak for months after. She actually commented it nearly destroyed our friendship, but I didn't know that :)
She married a lovely man from India and goes there from time to time to see his rather large family. When she does this, she writes a journal to me which she keeps for about 2 years after, continually meaning to scan it and re-read it in preparation for her next journey to the land of whiplash (there is often so much happening, one could crane their neck watching the activity). The last time she went to India (which was in October, if you're curious), she texted me asking if I could read her last letter and tell her the medicines she reminded herself to bring this time. I obliged and she was on her way. Once she got to the airport, she texted that she had a new notebook and pens for the journey, and rather than say something trite like, "I'll miss you," or "have a good flight," we took on a sort of blessing war. It went something like this:
Me: Travel well my dearest friends, enjoy the trip!
D: May all the mosquitoes in Northern India die before my arrival.
Me: May you find the right number of ripe mangoes so as not to cause stomach illnesses.
D: Amen.
Me: May you be as content as a mongrel dog with hemorrhoids. (this makes sense if you read her letter and saw the drawings)
D: ...Always with a big bright smile on my face!
This went on. And it could go on because we both enjoy older versions of dictionaries and the formality of writing to each other not seen for 100 years (I couldn't really tell you the time frame, but "Old Timey" just doesn't cut it in this instance. I know I think of the first World War era, so I think you should too).

But seriously, that's enough for now. I am really going to be late for work. Yup. There it is.
Here's the song of the day, a Christmas song made amazing by the addition of hope and climbing octaves. :) I LOVE this song. "The hope of every heart comes alive in Emmanuel!" What a great thought.
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