Many of you know I sporadically dog sit for my friend, Crystal, opening our doors to Mr. Henry Magoo, whom we have known since puppy-hood. Henry is a lovely dog, and our dog plays with him often. They know when they are within a mile of the others' house, and they both just....well they frenzy, really.
As my best friend has recently jetted off to Ireland (without me!!! In a show of good sportsmanship, I gave her the phone numbers and info for all my friends, and their bands, and where they are playing during her trip. See? Good sport, me!), Henry is at the house. I forget how he is so enamored with the aging, loud and irritable cat. It must be quite a sight for him, to NOT win someone over for once.
This morning, after Henry woke me every 4 hours to go out, or to revel at the cat's hissing, I took him and Ed out for a walk at about 6:30. Sometime in the last 12 hours, for that is when I last ventured out into the great tundra of St. Paul, a soft rain fell, then froze in a layer of ice about 3/16" thick on everything. Everything. What this means for you, dear reader, is that the streets of St Paul are currently as smooth as if they had just been caressed by a Zamboni. I should have worn my ice skates, but I opted for my boots. I try to imagine the look on the faces of the people driving by as I mushed these two dogs on long leads of 20 feet. Arms flailing, feet unsteady as I was pulled along ungracefully by a Shih-Tzu-Cavalier mix (i.e. lapdog) and a sheltie (size of lapdog). I was laughing so hard, I had to cut the walk short and let them run without leash. It was almost funnier seeing them slide all over the place.
It reminded me of this great news story by Jana Shorthal, here in the cities. She put on ice skates and went down the street in minneapolis. Here's the link, the video is on the right side, and it is AWESOME.
Today's song of the day is tricky. I could focus on the fact that I didn't sleep much, the house is a mess of couch cushions and dog toys, the cat is constantly hissing and clearly holds me accountable for the dog intrusion, and the basement is flooding, due to a blocked main under the house. Meh. Let's reminisce about mushing behind a shih-tzu.
Orpheus in the Underworld, by Offenbach
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