I don't even know if I should tell you this. Yesterday was ridiculous. Where do I begin?
It was my day off, but I went in anyway to make sure things went well for the evening-girl-who-is-me. There was quite a bit of stuff to put away, so I borrowed 2 morning stockers and had them help me (there was complaining, yes! How did you know?) Anyway, I got it all finished with a certain amount of satisfaction that she would come in and not have to worry about too much. I came home and decided to pick up some items for Thursday night dinner, which we are hosting this week. Captain Awesome gave me his prepaid card, and away I went.
I went to the grocery store that was farther away, to see my cashier buddy, Mary. Mary cracks me up. She has a crackle laugh, crazy barrettes tied into her short hair, and a height of about 4' 10". And I forgot she doesn't work Mondays. I was having a ball, though they didn't have my greek yogurt with Honey, I had to get regular. I got stopped by old ladies asking where the gravy was, and gave them a tour of the boxed dinner aisle (it's aisle 7, you know). Anyway, checkout didn't go so well.
I rang through all my items, and swiped the prepaid card. The lady asked to see my ID. I gave it to her, not knowing that the prepaid card with Captain Awesome's name on it had arrived. She immediately slipped into fraud mode and said she could not take the card. I said, "should we call him?" "Wouldn't matter, you could be calling anyone." So I said I had another card. Here's where it got ridiculous. She had already accepted it. So she called the manager over, who was also unable to void the transaction. They had to push it through, then take the card to customer service to refund the card, then charge my card the exact same amount. If I did not go to customer service and switch it all, they would have to assume the card was stolen and report it as such. Are you hearing me? The cops, on a prepaid card, on which I am an authorized user. People in line behind me were giving me "the look" and I was starting to feel pretty criminalistic. Since it had to be pushed through, she turned away from me, jerked her shoulder back and said, "I am going to need to you scribble on that again, to make it go through." Like I couldn't even sign a name. UGH! Humiliation! I didn't even do anything wrong!
I could have done this (does anyone else do this? Revisit the situation and say, "I SHOULD have..."
- I could have left all that meat and frozen food and just walked away. Have fun putting that away!
- I could have gone to the ATM and forced her to ring it all back up again.
- I could have said witty comments, pointing out the ridiculousness of a prepaid card being treated like a credit card and the way they pushed it through anyway.
Whatever. So I got home, put the groceries away with ire, and went with Captain Awesome to my workplace to pick up a few things. I saw the girl-who-is-me-in-the-evening, and walked over to say, "Isn't this nice? You didn't have to do all the lugging!" But before I could say anything, she was asking me who did this, because it was all done wrong and she had to redo it. So I really didn't help at all. Glad I came in on my day off to help. Sometimes it feels like it doesn't matter what I do, there is just no pleasing people. Why am I working so hard? Why should I care? Whatever! :P
What did I do after this wasted day? What any self respecting girl would do. I watched the new Chuck and ate sushi at home. And that was the best part of my day. Sad! :) I am done with THAT Cub Foods. I will stick to the closer one from now on. You should have seen the way she looked at me, like everything I said was a planned lie.
So. Anyway. The song of the day for yesterday is
The Steve Miller Band - Take the Money and Run, as I am clearly a criminal with intent to steal and commit fraud. Yes. That sounds like me.
I very recently discovered Chuck and am now in love. :-) I've been watching them at a friend's house, and I was telling her about how you call your boyfriend Captain Awesome. So I just opened up the blog and read her this entire post. Made me smile all over again. Can't wait to see you Tuesday!