Last night I dreamt many things, quickly.
I dreamt I was destitute and tried to sneak back to my old job (residential) to sleep in the garage, but the staff had taken it over. So I went to a water park to hide out, but my nephew kept going down the slide unattended, knocking into people. He's almost 4, but in my dream he was younger, and swam like a fish. Why were those people standing at the base of the slide anyway? The more I think about this dream, the more I think it had to have been at the Mall of America. I was meeting a friend there to go shopping (appearance shopping only) at Target. As we wandered, we noticed they only sold Renaissance and Pirate clothes. I'm sorry about the randomness; I'm trying to remember it all. While at Target (wearing an emerald green, V-Cut dress reminiscent of Renaissance Festival, but sewn strangely in the back, and a size 4), all I could pay attention to were the pictures on the walls behind the displays; mountains in Montana, Praries in Wyoming, nature shots turned into signs. Then I heard people arguing. It was Jesse and Becky from Full House, the TV show. Jesse was trying to support his family, but hated working at Target; he wanted a job he loved, or he wanted a job at Target that was better, or less visible; he'd take either. Becky was trying to be understanding, while telling him to get over it, and that his hair looked good. The manager seemed to love holding this over Jesse's head, and gave him the option of Animal Wrangler (apparently Target herds Elk now) or stock boy. I remember seeing the battle within him; so proud, not wanting either of those things but unsure what to do about it, but wanting to provide for his family. It was surreal. Then I woke up. I have no idea what that means. It seemed important, though, at the time.
I have a regional store around the corner that I decided to investigate. My boyfriend's company has an account with this store, and a guy that manages the account. Yesterday Tim called this guy and told him I was looking for work. He told me to come in and fill out an app and it was pretty much mine, and I could pick from 2 positions. I am extermely grateful, and I really look forward to working again, but this situation also re-iterates the frustration I've been having; I've been killing myself looking for work, and someone I know makes a phone call and I'm in? That was easy.
Why does America work this way? Why is it all "Who you know?" Do we really not see merit unless someone can vouch for you? That is so sad. I wonder if all humans are like that in every country. I wonder if I'm like that? I don't think so. Maybe that will be my next question for my international friends. I am intrigued.
So I am going back to work sometime in the near future. It's a foot-in-the door job, but I am so psyched to be doing anything. This job seems to let you work the same shifts every week, so I could also work around it easily, if something else comes up. It pays more on the weekends, so guess when I'll be working? :)
Today I clean the house, perhaps roller-blade a bit and drink my tea to the employed. Oh yeah, and I apply for this job. Cheers!
Today's song of the day: Simple Life by The Weepies. I LOVE the Weepies.
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