So I haven't written in a few days (channeling Michael Scott: "Dear Diary, I'm sorry I haven't written in a few days, there's been a lot of things to handle (that's what she said). XOXO, Michael Scott"). And I begin with digression. Fantabulous (gummi word....ewww sticky).
I'm writing in the evening, which is new. It may account for my extra random comments. I've been fairly productive the last few days. No, it is not because I turned 30. I hate seeing that on paper. It wasn't so bad; my parents came from Michigan and took me out to lots of meals. I was paraded around Don Pablos in a sombrero (that was only OK because she said I was turning 16). They came to offer mortal support. Yes, mortal support. I had the hardest time turning 30 because I still had 2 things on my to-do list that weren't done before 30; skydiving and getting my SCUBA certification. It was nice to have them around (my parents), and I was able to relax a little bit about my situation in life. We went to church on Sunday and the message was about Minnesota Nice, and how it's not really nice. How things are "fine" with Minnesotans, and living your life with inner flair, like a pepper, rather than having to spice it up like a potato. I get the message, I liked the message, but I'm not searching for prestige or a better job or the next best thing. I'm searching for survival, and to get out of debt. It was still encouraging, though. I enjoyed it.
So my parents left on Monday afternoon after a trip to Ikea and the cafe there. They took the scenic route home, which my mother, at least, does not recommend, on account of the desolation and wildlife. That sounds perfect to me. :) I spent Tuesday back in the saddle, but with a better outlook. I went back to my alma matter and found out what I need to do to finish my degree, and how much it will cost. I could do it in one semester, if I had the money. I'm within 20 credits of an Associates, which I would like to turn in to a Bachelors. I then decided to go into Borders and apply there. I got sidetracked at Williams Sonoma. I walked in and a lovely woman greeted me. I shopped for a few minutes and then asked whether they were hiring. She said they were hiring part time and seasonal Christmas staff in the next couple weeks. I filled out an application and chatted with her for a few minutes. I don't know if I will get it, but it was nice to actually get some face time, rather than putting myself out there hanging, ignored. I did also apply at Borders, but that is all online, and I hang out there again. The "sure thing" had mentioned a possible interview on Thursday, but nothing has been confirmed. It doesn't feel sure. I'm moving on. It's a company of mostly men, and they are slow to do the administrative stuff, I guess (no offense). I've decided it's just not going to happen and move on. If it does happen, yay. If not, well, that's for another day. I am really getting sick of applications. Seriously. The same info, the same numbers and references. The same the same the same. Oh well. Girl's gotta eat.
So I didn't wallow, still not wallowing. I'm 30. Wallowing is easy. You can sit and obsess about stupid things like the way "obsess" doesn't really seem like a word. You can watch 3 movies in a row. You can check facebook all day, and from your phone when you finally decide to get offline. You can research trivial things like what the heck Minnesotans do at a "Booya." Lots of stuff. I've got wallowing down to an art, I don't even need the junkfood anymore. But there are days when wallowing is just not the thing to do. You can still watch movies and research the origin of the "Pandowdy" but it has a purpose (annoying side note: Pandowdy is a dish the first American settlers made. It's like a pie, but halfway through cooking you "dowdy" or smash up the top and mix it in with the inside). You can write an article about it. Put on the Irish music and dance for 20 long as no one is home. The point is to not sit and obsess over the unknown. I feel a Donald Rumsfeld quote coming on..."we know the knowns and we know the unknowns, but there is also the unknown unknowns, and we don't know what those are..." There's not much I can do but keep trying. It's not nearly as heart wrenching when you can actually talk to someone. No limbo...well some limbo, but the chance to make an impression.
So there it is. That's what has been going on. There's a lot more in the noggin, but I'll get to it.
Here's the song of the day today (tonight), in honor of sitting here by candlelight and being 30. Cheers!
The Weepies: Nobody Knows Me at All
Here! Here! Now start your before 40 list or just add it all to your "Bucket List" and then you'll have more time to accomplish it.